Monday, July 6, 2020

Solano Family & Children's Services Food Program

The Child Care Food Program (CCFP) is a USDA Child Nutrition Program that assists licensed and TrustLine Registered child care providers with the high cost of feeding children. The primary goal of the CCFP is to provide nutritious meals and snacks to children who are in a daycare home setting. Children who are introduced to good nutrition at an early age have proven to do better in school and go on to become healthier adults.

Solano Family and Children Services offer the CCFP to licensed and TrustLine Registered child care providers who live in Solano, Napa, or Yolo county. It is available to all children from infants through 12 years of age, regardless of family income. Providers can claim their own children if they meet the income qualifications and complete the eligibility application. Provider’s children can only be claimed when child care children are present during the same meal.

Providers who participate in the CCFP receive a monthly reimbursement check for providing nutritious meals and snacks to enrolled children. The reimbursement rates are set by the USDA and are based on a flat rate for each meal or snack served that meets the requirements. Providers can be reimbursed for up to two main meals and one snack per child, per day, or one main meal and two snacks per child, per day.

Providers also receive information and assistance regarding nutrition, meal planning, and program requirements.

There is no cost to join. As a sponsor of the program, Solano Family & Children Services supplies all the required forms for documentation of daily menus and attendance. Providers will have the option of claiming online and submitting their claim electronically at the end of each month or manually completing menus to submit by mail or drop off at our office.

The CCFP staff will visit each provider 3 times throughout the year to offer program guidance and training. These visits are on a drop-in basis, usually at mealtime in order to observe a meal service and provide you with nutrition, health, and safety information.

It’s easy to join. As soon as you have your daycare license or TrustLine Registration and have at least one child in care, contact us and we will schedule an in-home training session with you. This usually takes about an hour and we bring all the information needed to get you started claiming that day!

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